About Wakayama Farm
Opening Hours
9:00-17:00 (Last entry is at 16:30)
Weekends & Holidays
Spring: 9:00-20:00 (Last entry is at 19:30)[Mar, Apr, May]
Summer: 9:00-21:00(Last entry is at 20:30)[Jun, Jul, Aug]
Fall: 9:00-20:00(Last entry is at 19:30)[Sept, Oct, Nov]
Winter: 9:00-19:00(Last entry is at 18:30)[Dec, Jan, Feb]
*Illumination starts after sunset therefore the start time varies.
*Last call for tea at the tea house is 30 minutes prior to last entry.
The brochure is available here.

Wakayama Farm, Inc.
Founded: February 1, 2017
Capital: ¥9.9 million
CEO: Taro Wakayama
Number of employees: 12 (as of January, 2021)
About Wakayama Farm, Inc
Wakayama Farm is a three-generation farmer, with 24 hectares land, dedicated to harvesting bamboo shoots and chestnuts by the circular-agricultural method.
The history of Wakayama Farm dates back to about 350 years ago when the Wakayama family’s ancestors first settled in this land and cultivated the vast wild forest. For centuries the Wakayama Family has cultivated many different crops. The first turning point was about 100 years ago when Zenzo Wakayama who studied modern agriculture at the university decided to focus the business on bamboo shoots and chestnuts by the circular-agricultural approach and then Wakayama Farm was founded.
The Second-generation Yukio Wakayama advanced the business further. Amid the fast expansion of plastics and imported petroleum products during the mid-20th century, Yukio developed new processing technologies for bamboo materials and new bamboo varieties.
The Third-generation Taro Wakayama, current CEO of Wakayama Farm, Inc., shifted the focus away from the bamboo as strictly utility plant to introducing it into comprehensive landscape design and recognized how bamboo enhances the urban cityscapes. Today, Wakayama Farm is the largest and one-of-a-kind bamboo nursery in Japan.
Wakayama Farm, Inc. focuses on harvesting bamboo shoots and chestnuts, producing wide range of varieties of bamboos for landscaping, and use the bamboo forest for ecotourism.


A. 筍の生産・販売

B. 竹苗の生産・販売
実生選別育種による品種改良に取り組み、オリジナル品種矮性孟宗竹「ヒメアケボノモウソウチク」を中心に、植木としての竹苗を生産・販売。 都心を中心とした空港、ホテル、商業施設など再開発地域に多くの実績があります。

C. 竹材の生産・販売
竹林管理から発生する間伐竹材を牡蠣養殖用筏竹・門松用・割竹・ 造園用小径竹等としてその原竹の生産・販売。および、竹チップの製造・販売をしています。

D. ロケーション事業

E. 竹林観光